Saturday, February 03, 2007

Such a good daddy!

Katie and Tom have a ritual that they do every night before bed. Katie picks how Tom puts her to bed every night. One night may be the airplane, the next the car (my personal favorite), sometimes a tonight. She has tons of them. Tonight I got pictures of Tom doing the horsey thing, which consists of Katie on Tom's back with him running through the house like a horse a few times before tucking her in. No matter what she chooses, she gets a wild ride. Here are the pictures:
She is reminding me more and more of her daddy these days. Last night she flat out refused to tell Brittanie she was sorry for throwing lip gloss at her because she said Brittanie was "ragavating her." Today she refused to say please when asking Brittanie to get her something to drink. She said she hates "that please word." She only hates it when dealing with Brittanie. She never fails to say please and thank you to me and Tom. lol But the real similarity to her dad is intolerance/impatience. My mom often has trouble understanding Katie because not only is she 4 but she has a southern accent. Well Katie got mad at my mom last night for not being able to understand her and told her she didn't love her anymore and she was mad because there is something wrong with her ears! This morning she got up and wasn't mad anymore when she talked to my mom. But this afternoon, when she talked to her again, she was screaming into the phone "THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR EARS!!!!!" over and over again and then hung up on her. I couldn't help but laugh but not in front of her. I have to teach her manners but it was still funny!

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