Katie turned 7 on Friday but unfortunately she couldn't enjoy it. She has the flu. We had to cancel her party Saturday. We did let her open her presents when her fever was down a bit. She is doing better this morning. I gave her Ibuprofen at 1am and then went to bed. She woke me up at 5am to tell me that she was hungry and asked if she could have a sandwich. I told her yes but then she decided she wanted baby carrots and ranch dressing. She hasn't eaten much this weekend so whatever she feels like eating, I let her eat. She ate her carrots and went back to bed. Throughout the weekend, she would get Ibuprofen or Tylenol highs where she had no fever and felt great and would play some Wii games. That was fun. Here are some pictures of her opening her gifts Friday night. You can tell she doesn't feel well.
Air Hogs Jet from Jonathan. (Tom crashed the other one Jonathan sent her high up in a tree. He ordered it from Amazon and they sent two so now she has a spare if Tom crashes one in a tree! haha)
Jessica gave her an MP3 player and ear buds. She can't wait to get better so she can go skating while listening to her MP3 player. (I was very proud of myself. I ripped her CD's, changed them from .ogg format to MP3 format, and loaded them onto her MP3 player without one bit of advice from Tom!)
Kidz Bop 15 CD from Randy.
ICarly scooter from Grandma and Grandpa.
Tom and I gave her a Wii, Mario Kart for the Wii, an extra remote, extra nun-chuck, and double remote charger. Brittanie bought her an extra steering wheel for Mario Kart. She was VERY excited when she realized it was a Wii she was opening.

Randy also gave her a Ravman Raving Rabbids game. It is a weird game and a little too hard for her. But it was fun watching Brittanie play it.
Brittanie and Katie playing Mario Kart. Jessica was helping Katie.
Katie's ICarly cake. It was beautiful and delicious! Susan is awesome! All of her cakes come out great!
Katie didn't feel well enough to cut her cake on her birthday so we cut it Saturday instead. We didn't want her blowing on the whole cake since she has the flu. So we cut her piece and put candles in it. She only ate one bite. She just didn't feel well enough to eat it. But it was delicious!
Jessica had to work Halloween night and her supervisor gave her a bag of candy and this IV of "Bloody punch" was in the bag.

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