Thursday, November 13, 2008

GREAT news about the apartment

Last Friday Tom went to Brittanie's apartment complex and had a talk with the manager about breaking her lease. He told Tom that he will try to rent the apartment out for us and that would release us from the lease free and clear. But we still had to pay the rent for November and he didn't know if he could get someone in there as soon as December but felt confident that he would be able to rent it out by January. Sunday, Brittanie got all of her things out of her apartment (except her mop and broom because Courtney used Brittanie's mop and broom to clean up the disgusting mess that was left after the litterbox was gone so it ruined them). She went by Tuesday and turned in her keys and signed the paper stating that she would not be back, which allowed them to legally rent the apartment now. The woman she spoke with had a nasty attitude and told her there was a $350 fee to transfer the lease to someone else and that she was responsible for finding a replacement roommate.

Well yesterday Tom got a call from the complex manager telling him that they have rented the apartment and all they needed was Brittanie's keys because the guy was moving in today. Tom told him she had already dropped the keys off. The manager also told Tom he was waiving the $350 transfer fee. So it is official....the apartment nightmare is OVER. She is painting her old room here at home Saturday and wants to paint the bathroom so that she can use her Gamecock stuff in Katie's bathroom, which Katie is now sharing with Brittanie. She told me she NEVER wants to live anywhere that requires her to have a roommate ever again. I can't say that I blame her. When I was at Louisiana College, my roommate was so nasty that second semester I got a private room in the dorm because I just couldn't stand to live like that anymore. Pensacola Christian College took care of the roommate nightmare because they gave you a list of chores in your room and bathroom that had to be done daily and they inspected every morning to make sure it was done. And at the end of each semester, they had a white glove inspection where everything had to be DEEP cleaned. It was like being in the military. It was annoying but it avoided the roommate nightmare that Brittanie went through.

We are so happy to have this behind us! Now we just have to get through next semester and she will be a sophomore in Columbia. She tried to transfer to USC Columbia but found out that the reason she never got in Columbia in the first place is because they require 2 foreign language units and Brittanie barely passed Spanish in high school so she didn't want her GPA to go down by taking Spanish 2. Brittanie and I hate Spanish. My family is French so she wanted to take French but Swansea only offered Spanish. Anyway, the foreign language monkey is still on her back because she won't be allowed to transfer to Columbia until she gets one more foreign language credit. USC Sumter doesn't have French next semester so she would have to take Spanish to be able to transfer next year. So she is going to go see her advisor and see if she can take French in Columbia like she does ROTC. She wants to try to take as many classes as they will allow in Columbia and keep her trips to Sumter to a mimimum. But she is having difficulty scheduling an appointment with her advisor because her schedule is always full.

This has been a stressful semester and I'm amazed that her grades are as good as they are. If nothing changes in the next 3 weeks, she will be on the Dean's List. She has a B in ROTC (because of her PT scores) but A's in all of her other classes. I sure hope next year is stress free!

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