Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Oh well

My party lost the presidential election but it doesn't sting like it did when Clinton got elected the first and second time because I don't like McCain at all. In my opinion, he is just a Democrat that says he is Republican because he thought that is where the money for his campaigns comes from. Obama spent more because he had more so maybe he should have run on the Democratic ticket and let us have a decent candidate that had a shot at winning.

I work in the healthcare field and I hate to see what Obama's socialized medicine plan is going to do to us. Nothing is free. We will all pay the price for this one.

The only good thing about this is that when Obama's term is over, the Dems will have to shut up about Bush because I predict he will be a bigger disaster than Bush ever thought of being.

I was happy that Joe Wilson won his seat despite the smear campaign his opponent launched. Joe Wilson for president 2012!!!

1 comment:

Kelly Nash said...

Keep fighting the good fight!