Sunday, April 02, 2006

Busy Saturday

April Fool's Day started bright and early as Brittanie had a drill team competition at Scouth Carolina State University in Orangeburg and had to be at school at 6:30am!! Everything started at 8am but Swansea wasn't scheduled to be on the matt until 10. So Tom took mom and Elvin to see where he works....both places....and they were very impressed. He took them through Orangeburg....the upscale side....and let them see Edisto Gardens, which was in full bloom. They loved Orangeburg and told me we need to move there. I thought that was thank you!! But anyway, this was Brittanie's drill team's first competition. They have only had 9 practices, whereas other teams have been practicing for months. Well we got 1st place in unarmed competition and 2nd place on the uniform inspection. HOOAH!! By next year, they will take first in everything!

Later that afternoon, we all just rested for awhile. Here is a picture of Brittanie, Justin, and Katie chillin out.
Then I took Mom, Mr. Elvin, and Katie to see Tunnelvision and what has to be the world's largest fire hydrant. It did inspire a new redneck joke....If you think a HUGE fire hydrant is might be a redneck. Anyway. Here are some pictures of Tunnelvision (alone and with everyone in front of it) and the hydrant.

This sign (above) made me laugh. Can you imagine how big the dog would have to be to use this hydrant?

All of the pictures are taken in the same parking lot of the Ag First Bank. While we were taking pictures, that's when we noticed the building above, which was to the left of the Ag First Bank building where Tunnelvision is painted and couldn't resist taking a picture. It was so pretty!!

If you notice in the pictures, Katie is frowning in most of them. There is a reason for that. Right before we left to go see Tunnelvision and the hydrant, I told her she had to try to go potty before we left. That is something we have always done....even with Brittanie....when we are about to go somewhere. She threw a tantrum that she didn't want to try. I was about to get the paddle when she stormed into her bathroom and slammed the door so hard that the full length mirror on the outside of the door shattered. It had been on that door for over 20 years and Katie destroyed it today. Well she got her butt tore up for that one but then still came out with an attitude not wanting to put shoes on. My mom said she would carry her. *sigh* So I let her go barefoot but when we got where we were going she wanted to walk in that parking lot barefoot and I refused and that's what the mean look is all about. She is so headstrong. I dread her teen years!!!! I told my mom that she gives in to her too much but she claims that is what grandparents are for. They left at 1am our time to go back home and are taking Katie with them. We are leaving here on the 8th of April and will be spending a week with her in Louisiana. So mom will have gotten 3 weeks of Katie time. I know she will be ready to see her go home after that. hahaha Now everybody just needs to pray that I get caught up on my typing next week. My house looks great now that hurricane mom blew in and straightened it all out.

But I will say, this was by far the best trip we have ever had with my mom. We REALLY enjoyed it and so did she and Mr. Elvin.

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