Saturday, October 29, 2005

Horrible week

I don't even want to go into everything but this has been a horrible week and I'm thrilled that it is over. M and I are no longer friends and I have resolved that we will never be again. J called Thursday night and quit so her drama is gone from my life. Those are two good things that came out of this week but alot of drama took place before that. But this week is over and I'm thrilled....except for the fact that Tom and Katie are sick now. We are exhausted but still had to get Brittanie to school at 6:45am for their last rifle team competition before the state competition in December. I came home and found Katie in the bed with Tom. I told her she could stay if she were quiet and still and went back to sleep. I had to give her a chance but this is Katie. Still and quiet are not in her vocabulary. So Tom ended up putting her back in her bed. 2 minutes later, she was in the hall peeking into our room. So he put her back in her bed and closed the door, which has childproof things on the knob so she can't open it. She flipped out and screamed for 20 minutes. Tom almost went in there and I told him to just let her scream it out because she would stop eventually. She wants attention and if we keep giving it to her when she screams like that, she will never learn to stay in her bed and shut up and sleep. I've learned to tune it out because she does this so much for nap time. But Tom was struggling with it. She finally went to sleep and we were able to sleep until after 10:30. It was wonderful!!!

I got really happy not long after we got up because Samantha called and asked if they could take Katie to a Halloween carnival at Karen's church this afternoon. So Katie will have a break from up and we will have a break from her and best of all, she will get to spend time with Mamie. She has missed Mamie. She and I will have lunch with Samantha (Boo-Boo) but Mamie's always working. So this is going to work out great. We definitely need a break from each other.

One good thing that happened this week is that we adopted Jonathan's dog since he couldn't take her to Germany with them. Her name is Bash and she is Cocker Spaniel and Daschund mix. She is a sweet dog and we love her already. She is house trained and a perfect fit for us. Now I just have to hope Katie doesn't drive her nuts. She has had to snap and growl a few times to let her know she is annoying her. Katie is stubborn!! But here is a cute picture of Katie with Bash.

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