Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Let's hope her math gets better

Brittanie was outside waxing her car and Katie wanted to go out there too but I made her come to me so I could put her hair in a ponytail. She hates that but it is frizzy when down and I hate that. Well she walked outside with a mad face and Brittanie asked her what was wrong. She told Brittanie "Three words...She put my hair in a po ny tail." She was counting that on her fingers. LOL Glad I bought her a Math game for her L-Max for Easter. Maybe that will help. hehehe (I love how she made the word "ponytail" 3 different words when she was counting it on her fingers. Too funny!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She was sooo close though..it is a 3 syllable word. Give her crdit for that..lol
She is to cute.