Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Stupidity fascinates me!

Today my niece has achieved new heights of stupidity. Five years ago, she stayed with her loser husband after he beat her. A couple of months ago, she finally got the courage to kick him out when he insisted on moving his son from a previous marriage into their home. This son is a MAJOR loser and has taken and dealt every drug known to man and even tried to kill his little brother in a drug induced rage. I was proud of her for standing her ground to protect herself and her daughters against these losers. Well stupid is as stupid does and now she tells me they are still going to get a divorce but they are going to live separately and just date. This is the last straw for me. I was furious when she took him back after he beat her but now I see that she just loves the poor white trash lifestyle and in order to be poor white trash you have to have the stereotypical wife beating loser husband. So she can have him but she can no longer count on me for anything. I have washed my hands. I offered to move her here where she can start over and get a good job, put her girls in better schools, and find a good Christian man because there just aren't any in Louisiana. But she would prefer to stay in the ghetto living in a 20 year old trailer that is falling apart and hanging on to a loser who beat her and was willing to move a drug addict into her home that she shares with her two innocent girls. You can't protect people from themselves. If she wants to be white trash, there is nothing I can do about it. I'm done. I just thank God that I'm adopted and that this is NOT my gene pool. I do feel bad for her girls though. What kind of future are they going to have with a mother like that?

Tom and Brittanie went to Cedar Point today. They had fun. I am glad they enjoyed themselves and are having some quality father/daughter time. But I REALLY miss them. I had to kill a bug all by myself today. Of course that's not the only reason I miss Tom but it is one aspect of marriage that we take for granted.

Well, I'm behind on my typing so I better get on it. I don't think I will sleep much tonight because I'm just too stunned that after everything that loser has put her through that my niece will take him back. But unfortunately there is no pill that cures stupidity.

1 comment:

Sam said...

It is like I always say.I may not me brilliant,but I am not stupid.And stupid people get on my nerves.