Sunday, July 24, 2005

What a mess!

I haven't updated in awhile because everything went haywire. Katie has been fighting an ear infection and sinus infection/cold. She gave us her cold. She is much better. Tom is still a little hoarse after a rough week of being sick. Brittanie had a very mild case of it. But now it is my turn. This cold comes with a NASTY sore throat. I haven't felt like this since I had that nasty abscess behind my tonsils when I was 16. It is miserable. I took Katie to see Dr. Scott Thompson, who is the best ENT in Columbia, and he is going to put tubes in her ears and take out her adenoids Wednesday, July 27th. Well Tom and Brittanie has been planning on trip to Ohio, New York, New Jersey, and Virginia that started today and would go until next Saturday. Well I just took Katie this past Tuesday to Dr. Thompson and he feels it would be best to get those tubes in her ears before all of that fluid makes another infection. Not only that but my boss is on vacation next week so it is a perfect week to do it. That way I won't get behind on my typing while I'm taking care of Katie. Well the gloves came off because of lack of communication. Tom thought I should change the date because they had this trip planned. I thought he should cancel the trip and just be here for us. When we finally took a step back and talked about it calmly and rationally, we came to a good compromise. The trip had been talked about for years and the main part was going to Cedar Point, Ohio. The rest was added this year so they could go to Six Flags New Jersey to ride Kingda Ka, which is the world's biggest and fastest roller coaster. Well Cedar Point still holds that title because Kingda Ka didn't stay up very long and it has been down for over a month. So the compromise was for him and Brittanie to run up to Ohio and visit the Pro-Football Hall of Fame and then the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and then eat at the Hard Rock Cafe. Then the next day, they are going to Cedar Point and ride everything they can. Then they are leaving Tuesday to come home and will be here for Katie's surgery on Wednesday. I miss them already but I'm so sick that I really can't think of much besides how bad my throat hurts. I'm hoping I get better by tomorrow so I can type and get most of it done. Tuesday I have to go to Brittanie's school and make some changes to her schedule and pay her fees. Wednesday is Katie's surgery. Thursday Brittanie has to work registration for a mini cheer camp for little kids. Sunday night, Brittanie is going to see Hilary Duff in concert in Charleston and she won Meet and Greet passes for winning a shirt decorating contest. Then Monday, my boss comes back from vacation and school starts that Thursday. I looked at Brittanie's cheerleading calendar and she is going to be soooooooooo busy. I can't wait till she can start driving. By the way, Brittanie was bummed about having to cut the trip short but she got over it when Tom pulled up with the rental car today......... 2005 Mustang....candy apple red. She had a fit. That's her dream car!! If she keeps her grades up, she will have a 2006 Mustang in the driveway for her sweet 16 next year. One more thing, this week I found out who my true friends are. When I thought Tom was still going to be on his trip, my true friends stepped up. Samantha and her mom were going to come up there to the Palmetto Surgery Center with me, which is at least 30 minutes away, and be with me at 6:30 in the morning so I wouldn't be alone. Sandra gave me her number at work because she checked out the Surgery Center and she is only 5 minutes away and if I need her, she can be there with me in five minutes. I was so touched by them that I literally cried that night. My niece, who is poor as a church mouse, was trying to figure out how to get here to be with me to help me with Katie. Of course I wouldn't let her do that. But it touched me that she was seriously wanting to do it. I did alot of praying and God took care of it. Tom ended up cutting his trip short to be here. But He also showed me the importance of having good friends in my life. By the way, Samantha, her mom, and Sandra are my neighbors and Tom's family. I always knew they were wonderful but they really showed their love in a big way this week. God has truly blessed me!! Well I'm going to bed and hope that I can sleep. For updates on Tom and Brittanie's trip, check out Tom's blog, He has my digital camera and will posting pictures too. G'night yall!

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