Monday, January 30, 2006

Hard A's

I have a praise to share! Brittanie started her spring semester earlier this month and she has the hardest teachers in Biology and Spanish. She is also taking Geometry and Driver's Ed. She is pulling hard A's in all of her classes. She came home with her first Biology test Friday and I was stunned. I took Biology at Louisiana College and my tests weren't that long! It was 4 pages front and back!!! She made at 97 on it! I am thrilled that she inherited her dad's aptitude for Geometry as I cried through my Geometry class in high school. We weren't fortunate to have block classes like Brittanie has so it was 9 months of torture in Geometry. I will be forever grateful to my Geometry teacher, who was the hardest teacher in the school. I took other classes with him so he knew I wasn't a slacker, I just couldn't get Geometry. So he would give bonus questions that were Algebra review questions. Those bonus questions kept me from failing Geometry. So far, Brittanie has an A in Geometry and if there is stuff she doesn't quite get, her dad explains it to her. Tom is a wonderful teacher. I have been dreading her taking Spanish. I was raised in a French speaking family and that is all I wanted my girls to learn. But unfortunately the only foreign language our school offers is Spanish and she has to have one foreign language credit to graduate. Westpoint recommends two so she will be taking Spanish II next year. Surprisingly, I have been able to help her study Spanish. I have never taken Spanish. I went to a private school in Louisiana and all my school offered was French. But there are so many similarities between Spanish and French that I have actually been able to help. It has been great watching her drive and determination this year. She is determined to meet the requirements for Westpoint and if there isn't room for her there, she will at least make it into Texas A&M, which is her second choice.

I would appreciate everyone praying for her as she continues to work towards achieving her goals for the future. I'm so proud of the young lady she is becoming! I really enjoy being her mom.

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