Thursday, November 01, 2007

A picture is worth 1000 words!

I had heard about this but a picture is definitely worth 1000 words! God save us!!!
Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem.
Barack Hussein Obama's photo (that's his real name)......the article said he REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief????

I know everyone is sick of Bush's decisions but electing a democratic president is NOT the answer. Between Obama and Hilary, there is NO good choice for president!

By the way, for the sceptics out there, I checked this out on Snopes.


Anonymous said...

Whether Democrat, or Republican all candidates are equally worthless.

Nette said...

That's true, Scott. But I'm not about to vote for someone who dishonors the flag and the men and women who died defending the freedoms that flag affords us.

That being said...Republican or Democrat...I'm NOT voting for a woman. I just don't think women should hold that high of an office. Kathleen Blanco (former governor of Louisiana) proved that women are NOT capable of handing things effectively in crisis situations. One good PMS day and we may nuke someone that annoys us. LOL

Anonymous said...

How can he expect to be president when he will not honor the flag many of our fathers, grand fathers, brothers, sisters, and mothers has fought and died for. If he does not respect the flag that we carry in to all of our battles, then that should answer any one question of his commitment to The United States. He will wear clothing because he is in a country and that is their tradition, but not respect our flag and that is one of our traditions. The young people that he is getting to the poles are not in touch with America. Our COLORS DO NOT RUN neither does true Americans.