Monday, December 01, 2008

Monday update

Last evening, Brittanie called me from JCPenney and told me that she had blacked out in the dressing room and her manager is sending her home but wouldn't let her drive home. So Jessica went with me to get her and Jessica drove her car home for us. She said she was feeling dizzy and started sweating and felt like she was going to pass out so she went into the dressing room to sit down for a minute, tilted her head back against the dressing room wall and then everything went black and the next thing she knew, her manager was banging on the door. She has been dizzy intermittently since the accident (she just told me that last night) but this is the first time she passed out. I don't know if this is from the accident or what but I'm taking her to the doctor today to find out.

One other new development is that I resigned from my job today. I love my boss and his wife. They are GREAT people and has always been great to me. But our lives are just too busy and I stay behind in my typing because of it. My boss was very understanding and told me that he is going to miss having me as his transcriptionist and that I do quality work. It made me feel so good. But as of today, I'm officially a housewife for the first time in over 8 years! Tom and I were talking about it Saturday that I have never gone more than a year without working since we were married almost 20 years ago. I get bored at home and have to go back to work. If that happens again, the plan is to take courses in Medical billing and coding at Midlands Tech and then get a job doing that. I don't want to work at home anymore. People think they want to do that but it is overrated.

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