Friday, December 12, 2008

Poor baby!

Last Thursday, Katie ran in the house crying that she fell in the driveway and skinned her knee. I cleaned it up and bandaged her knee. She came to me an hour later and told me her wrist hurt. It wasn't swollen and she could move her fingers and wrist so I decided to just keep an eye on it. She didn't mention it at all through the weekend. Monday, she told my mom that her wrist hurt. I thought that was her trying to get sympathy from my mom. There was no swelling and she was still able to move her fingers and wrist. Well last night, she got out of the tub and came to me just about in tears telling me that it hurt. That's when I saw a little bit of swelling but she was still able to wiggle her fingers and move her wrist. So I sent her to school today and made an appointment with a casting doctor in the same practice as her doctor at 2pm. While in there, she was sitting on the bed, leaning on that wrist. But when the doctor pressed on a certain spot and asked her if it hurt, she yelled "YES! When you press on it!" So he got an x-ray and after almost an hour of being there, he came back in and told us that she had a Greenstick fracture and needed a cast. She was tired of waiting and asked him "How many minutes???" He laughed and told her five. So we went down to the casting room and he put on the cast. They only had off white. We should have gone to an orthopedist so she would have more of a choice of colors. But anyway, it is on and she has to keep it on for three weeks. This was the same doctor that took Brittanie's cast off way too early when she was 10. So we aren't going back to him for the follow-up. We are going to Dr. Ugino. He is the best orthopedist in town. But this way I will know for sure it is completely healed when the cast is removed.

I took pictures on my cell phone while he was casting her and a couple after we got home. The whining has begun and the drama queen is in rare form. It is going to be a LONG 3 weeks!

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