Mom has been here since December 7th and there is never a dull moment. Take four control freaks and add another older and more set in her ways control freak and that is what our house has been like. Tom and I raised our girls to be independent and do things for themselves. My mom is not used to that at all. The problem is that Brittanie was 6 when we moved to SC and Katie only goes there twice a year. So to my mom, time stands still and she still compares Brittanie to the 6-year-old she once was and thinks Katie is a baby. Neither is true and both of my girls resent being babied. They consider it a personal insult. My mom can't understand that. Brittanie has learned to do the teenaged thing and roll her eyes and leave the room. Katie on the other hand has my mouth and doesn't hold anything back. She has called my mom, who is hard of hearing, "deafness." Today mom asked her a question and Katie looked at me and said "Does she know ANYTHING???" I have told her numerous times that she is being rude and that she needs to stop that. So now when she says something rude, she always follows her statement with "Not to be rude or anything." There is never a dull moment when Miss Mouth is home from school.
As for Brittanie, she paid $8.00 to USC Sumter to have her transcript sent to Midlands Tech at the beginning of December. Tech said they never recieved it. So she had to go to USC in Columbia and get a copy of her transcript to hand deliver to tech and pay an additional $8.00. That was annoying. Before the employee at USC put it in the sealed envelope, she let Brittanie look it over first and she loved seeing "Honor Dean's List" on it! Brittanie went to Tech today for advisement and register for classes. Her "advisor" asked her what classes she wanted to take and didn't know what classes went with her major. Brittanie's USC Sumter advisor luckily knew her job and had already told Brittanie what she needed to take. It is a good thing since the Tech guy was clueless. The line to register on the Tech computers was very long but her advisor told her she could register online. So she came home....ending trip #1 to Tech. When she got here, we picked her classes and hit "Submit" to register and it told her that she couldn't register online. We called Tech and they told her that she can't register without being advised. Brittanie told her that she was advised but couldn't read the guy's handwriting to tell her who it was. Evidently he didn't update the computer that she had been advised and thus it wouldn't let her register for classes. So she had to drive back to Tech and register for classes there. By then, most of the classes she wanted were full and she ended up having to take College Algebra, which she didn't need, but it was one of the very few that would transfer and had an opening. She came home and was VERY upset and scared that her GPA would suffer. (I don't understand that since she was very good in algebra in high school and at USC Sumter but whatever!) That ended trip #2 to Tech today. So I went online and found a computer class that she could take after her karate class at night. I once again tried to register for it online but once again it told me I wasn't allowed to register online. Her advisor had told her they would be there for registration from 1-5. So at 1:30 she headed back to Tech to drop that Algebra class and take the computer class. When she got there, the room where you register was locked. So she went to Admissions to ask them why it was locked and the line was out of the door! She called me, very frustrated, and told me what was going on. So I called Tech, trying to save her from standing in the long line and they told me that registration reopens at 5:30. Thus ending trip #3 to Tech today. She picked up Katie for me and headed home. She was antsy all afternoon because she was scared that other students were able to register online and her computer class would fill up before she would get there. She went back at 5:30 and was able to drop algebra and sign up for her computer class. Ending trip #4 to Tech today. So she is feeling better about her schedule now. She is taking English Composition II, Macroeconomics, General Psychology, Politics and Government, and Intro to Computers. Her classes start January 12th. She has to go back up there tomorrow or Friday to buy her books but other than that, she is ready to start. Her LIFE scholarship has transferred and we are good to go!
On Monday, January 5th, she started taking Karate and kickboxing classes. Without ROTC, she was worried about gaining weight and getting out of shape. So she signed up for a year of classes. She is sore already. She wasn't happy that they made her start all over from a white belt when she was about to be a purple belt when she quit to do cheerleading in 7th grade. But she will just have to work her way back up. She is loving being back in it. Her kickboxing class is to get out some of her stress and frustration. It worked so well that she busted their heavy bag that she was kicking. She kicks like a mule!
Grace is having homecoming this week and have declared this week as "Spirit Week." Katie LOVES Spirit Week! Monday was hat day.
We are taking mom home January 16th. We are hoping to have a family crawfish boil on the 17th to celebrate her 78th birthday (which will be the 18th). It is very early in the season for crawfish so we are having to cross our fingers.
One funny thing about having mom here is her amazement at everything Tom does/has. One thing in particular has been a constant source of amusement for us and that is his Madden 09 game on his PS3 played on our high definition big screen TV. She can't tell the difference between the Madden game and a real football game. She also can't understand the techology of it at all....which is really hilarious. She thought that those were real people playing football and Tom was calling the plays for them to run. She thought the people in the stands were real too. I told her that I love Tom and he is a big deal to me, but nobody would assemble a team and organize a game, selling tickets for tons of people to come watch Tom call plays from home (or anywhere else for that matter!). It just wouldn't happen. Tom tried explaining to her that they were programmed players and that everything is computer generated. A few days later, she asked again what the temperature was on the game because it was raining and the players could get sick playing in the rain when it is cold. I told her, once again, that the players weren't real. She said "Ok but the people in the stands are real." "Ummm no mom. Those aren't real either." She said "Ok so just the rain is real." Tom and I both started laughing then and told her no the rain is fake too. She didn't believe us. She thought we were messing with her. I called Brittanie into the living room and asked her if the rain on Tom's game was real. She said "Ummm NO," in a tone like she thought I was a retard. I don't know if we ever convinced mom that the rain was NOT real. But hats off to the Madden programmers for making such a realistic looking game!
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