Friday, May 18, 2007

4 going on 16

I have always hated authority and the feeling that I was being controlled. When I was 16, I had a major attitude. One day in particular I smarted off to my dad and he came in my room to give me a whipping with his belt. I sat there with my arms and legs crossed with this big stupid, defiant smile on my face while he hit my legs with the belt. When he stopped, I said in a VERY sarcastic tone, but keeping the defiant grin, "Didn't hurt." He started hitting my legs again with the belt. This time when he stopped, I smiled in his face and said "Don't stop now if you are having fun!" My mom stopped him from hitting me anymore. But I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing it hurt. I just kept that stupid defiant smile on my face.

Well Tuesday night, Katie kept making noise and I told her to stop. She kept on and I told her to stop NOW! She looked me square in the face and gave me the very same stupid defiant smile, accompanied by shaking her head up and down, I gave my dad all those years ago. I told her that she better wipe that look off her face before I smack it off. That's when the smile was accompanied by whole hearted laughing. That was it. I s p a n k e d her and sent her to bed. Well Wednesday night, she gave Tom that same defiant smile she had given me the night before. Only because of what I told him she pulled Tuesday night, he didn't give her a chance to wipe it off. He popped her hiney and told her that he would not tolerate that. 1 minute later, he was helping her get dressed for bed and was telling her that she would NOT give us that defiant grin and she will take what we say seriously. She had the nerve to give him that smile again, complete with the head shaking!!! So he popped her again on the hiney. She came to me for comfort and I told her that I will not comfort her after a spanking....she knows that. After she stopped crying, she went to Tom and said she was sorry and she won't do it again. Well I was glad she apologized but she didn't apologize to me....just Tom! I know she is a daddy's girl but she does love me too. *sigh*

I just can't believe she is already being so defiant at 4! It scares me to death to think what she will be like as a teenager!

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