Thursday, May 24, 2007

Brittanie's Military History Final exam

Brittanie took her final exam in Military History today and knocked it out of the park! Her teacher was so impressed that she made a copy of the essay and encouraged Brittanie to take it home, polish it up (she wrote it in class by hand and it was a timed writing), and enter it into a patriotic essay writing contest. When I read it, it brought tears to my eyes, as most patriotic things do. I wanted to share it with all of my readers. So here is Brittanie's essay:

Why Support Our Troops?
by Brittanie Sightler

For some reason, America's view of our men and women in uniform has lowered. It may be because of what happened during Vietnam or because of what is happening now in Iraq. It may be because some people's ignorance keeps them from being able to differentiate between the soldier and the politics he is fighting for. But whether you are a liberal democrat or a conservative republican, there are many reasons we should support our military. And whether you agree with the war or not, you should still respect the soldier who is willing to fight that war for you.

For one thing, they keep our Bill of Rights safe. If someone enjoys their right as a man to stand outside and scream Britney Spears lyrics at the top of his lungs, then he better respect the soldier that fought and died to give him that right. If someone enjoys their right to go to Catholic services everyday while the other he knows go to their Baptist church, then he better remember our troops in his prayers that morning. And if people enjoy their right to stand outside of military bases and political buildings protesting the war, well then they better thank a soldier for giving them such joy in their right to complain. American people are so quick to criticize our troops, but they are also quick to use the many liberties and freedoms our soldiers ensure for them. We need to remember without our troops fighting for our freedoms in this country, our government would be deciding our jobs, churches, spouses, and even how many children we can have. Is that the kind of country we want to live in?

We also need to support them because someone loves them. Those men and women over there are moms, dads, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, cousins, and best friends to someone. We would not spit on anyone we love, so why should we do it to people who are loved by others. They are soldiers but they are people too. They have feelings just like you and I and it hurts to come home to a country that hates you. No matter what, that soldier has a mother and a father. How would you want the people your child fought for to treat him or her? We need to support them out of respect to their families and friends and all those that love them.

Another reason is because they love you. They risk their lives daily for this country and its people because they love you. They fight and go through the things they do, so you don't have to. They fight to keep you safe and happy. They love you enough to volunteer to put themselves in danger to make sure you can continue utilizing the freedoms you enjoy daily. Nothing is stronger than the heart of a volunteer. If that doesn't earn your respect and support, nothing should.

These men and women serving today go through hell with no complaints. They love their country and they believe in it. They unselfishly give up everything so we can have anything. If you can't respect that, then I can't respect you.

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