Sunday, May 06, 2007

Update on Brittanie

I want to thank everyone who prayed for Brittanie. She is getting stronger everyday. She said the SAT was VERY hard....harder than the ACT. It took almost 5 hours and she was mentally drained when it was over.

Saturday afternoon, Brittanie went to John's so they could decide what they were going to do Saturday night. Brittanie wanted to see a movie because she is going to be working the next two weekends and then in Louisiana on the 3rd weekend. So this would be the only weekend she has to go out. Well John has to budget his money because his summer job doesn't start for a few more weeks. She offered to cover it and he wouldn't hear of it. He said no girl will ever pay for him. It is the other way around or no way at all. So they decided to come back to our house and watch some Netflix movies that I just got in. She wanted him to ride with her back to our house. But he wanted to take his car because he didn't want her to have to spend her gas bringing him back home. He won't let her spend a dime on him. That is completely the opposite of Randy. Randy never had money because when he would work he would blow it all on video games and crap for his car. So then on the weekends they either had to stay home or Brittanie had to pay. They took Brittanie's car everywhere because his car never ran and he never had gas money. Basically he was a mooch. John Micheal is not a mooch. He is a real man and real men know that women should NOT be paying for stuff. That's the man's job.

Anyway, we got to talk and socialize with him Saturday night and get to know him better. He is a nice guy and definitely a country boy. I can't wait till he takes Brittanie mud riding for the first time. I want pictures of that! I am afraid of him taking her hunting because she is a GREAT shot and I'm afraid I will end up trying to figure out what to do with a ton of deer meat. We just don't eat that. But she won't like the tradition of bloodying her face when she kills that first deer. hahaha

Today Brittanie and John Micheal took Taylor to Old Navy and to Columbiana Mall to buy her some short sleeved shirts and flip flops. Taylor saw that HUGE Confederate Flag at the Southern Patriot Shop on 321 and said "look that's the flag that's on William's myspace." John Micheal was stunned that she didn't know that was a confederate flag or anything about it. Looks like we need to educate her. That is very important to our history as southerners. But Taylor got a shirt that said "I love mom" and one that says "My dad is a rock star." You think she is homesick? 19 days left and she will be with her parents again. But in the meantime, we have a follow-up appointment with the oral surgeon on Tuesday, pulling the last 2 teeth on Friday, and having her two fillings done on the following Monday. So then I can send her home with healthy teeth. Now she knows the importance of brushing her teeth and getting cleanings so hopefully her teeth won't get like this again. She can't keep pulling permanent teeth like this. She will need dentures by the time she is 14 at this rate!

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