Thursday, August 10, 2006


Brittanie absolutely LOVES her youth group. They have dinner together on Wednesday nights before church and their youth leader, Mr. Mike, is wonderful. He is actually the one who invited her to visit Faith almost a year ago. She has loved it ever since. This weekend, they are going white water rafting in Tennessee. That's scary for me knowing that she is going to be a couple of states away but I can (and will deal with that). But last night, she came home all happy and smiley, like she always does after church, and announced that her youth group is going to Romania next summer for church camp and wants to go. My first instinct? An emphatic NO! I told her there are plenty of church camps in the US and she said she is NOT wearing "little house on the prairie clothes." I told her that she doesn't have to go to an independent Baptist camp. She can go to a Southern Baptist camp where they don't dress like that. I went to Acadiana Baptist Center in Eunice, LA every summer and LOVED it!! There is also Camp Pearl in Kinder, LA. I hated it the one summer I went but I had no friends there. I didn't go with a group. My nephew went and loved it but he makes friends easily. So the problem with Camp Pearl was probably me. But she immediately got mad and started to go upstairs, which is what she does instead of mouthing off and arguing like a normal teenager. I don't know which I prefer. That going up and hiding reminds me of my brother. Whenever there is conflict he has always clammed up and retreated. I hate that! But Tom got home while we were talking about it and he is more logical and open minded than I am. He asked why Romania. Our church has some fascination with that place...they go every summer. He is actually thinking about it. He is the head of the house and the spiritual leader in our home so he gets the final word. I am going to be praying that he says NO! I tried deterring her by telling her she will probably need shots to go there. She said "So?" After her nasty case of tonsillitis earlier in the year when she had a shot every day for 6 days, she is no longer afraid of needles. So that didn't work. I told her that the only country she is allowed to go to besides the US is Canada. But she told me when she joins the Army she is going to be going everywhere.

I'm horrible with geography. I don't even know where Romania is. I have heard of it but all I keep thinking is about that movie "Hotel Rowanda." I know that is in Africa but still! I know I'm being irrational but the thought of my baby going wayyyyyyyyyyyy over there scares me ALOT. I hated for Tom to go to Ireland....and I KNOW where that is!

On a positive note, she has had a great week at school. She actually came home happy, smiling, and bubbly yesterday. She is enjoying her classes and happy to be able to eat in the Jr/Sr. Dining Hall for the first time! That was the forbidden room for two years and now it is no longer forbidden. It made her feel like a junior!! lol Little things mean alot.

That's our update for today. Yall have a good weekend!

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