Wednesday, August 23, 2006

So far so good

Katie is doing GREAT at Grace. She came home yesterday telling me her days of the week. This morning she was so happy to go to school that she said several times, "Yay! We're going to school!" Her teacher, Mrs. Barnes, is very nice and they use the ABEKA program so I know she will definitely be learning alot more before the year is up.

Showing her rotten teeth has really done the trick. This morning she brushed her teeth without a problem! We have always had a problem with breakfast. She always says she is hungry then never eats what we give her. She never wants milk in her cereal. She has to have it in a cup and eat the cereal dry and drink the milk. We thought this is a great solution to the begging her to eat thing because she can take it with her and there is nothing to do in Daddy's truck but ride and eat. Well she still wasn't eating it. Yesterday I gave her something to drink (The child drinks like a camel!) and sent her without cereal....why send it if she doesn't eat it, right? She didn't care. But this morning she told me she was hungry and I told her that I would send her with some cereal but if she doesn't eat it, daddy won't let her take cereal with her anymore. So I fixed it and gave it to her and when she was leaving with Tom, I reminded her that she better eat that cereal or daddy wouldn't let her take cereal with her anymore and she said "Yeah yeah. I heard that already!" She is 3 going on 30. Such a mouth! lol Of course she gets that from Tom because you know I'm very meek, quiet, and shy and not at all mouthy. hahahaha

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