Thursday, April 05, 2007

My update (Guys, you may not want to read this!)

I have been having extreme bleeding for some time now. I went to my OB/GYN, Dr. Holladay, and he did an ultrasound and they found a 2 inch mass above my uterus. He gave me birth control pills and eventually Premarin 1.25mg to take twice a day and told me to come back in a month for a repeat ultrasound. Well I went back last Friday and the mass seen on my first ultrasound was not present on the second one. He told me to drop down on my Premarin 1.25mg from twice a day to once a day dosing for seven days and then discontinue altogether. I knew what would happen after I stopped the pills.....massive bleeding again. He told me to call him back if that happens. Well I'm not even done with the pills yet and the massive bleeding is back. So they called me in some more Premarin 1.25mg bid and have scheduled me for a D&C next Friday (April 13th) but I asked his nurse to please convince him to do an endometrial ablation instead. I don't want to have to keep going in for a D&C every few months, because this has been going on for months and I want it to stop. So they will get me to go into the office next Wednesday and do the preop stuff and I should know then exactly what procedure is going to be done. I am going to REALLY push for the ablation. Most patients never have another period after an ablation. That's what I want. I have been having those disgusting things since I am 9 years old and it is time for it to be gone forever.

I do have good news! Last night I slept for the first time without using my Afrin. I'm now coming up on 48 hours of being Afrin free. I have been mildly congested on and off today but nothing I can't handle. I'm thrilled!!! I really really wanted to kick this addiction before I went to Louisiana (we are leaving May 25th) and I did it with a month and a half to spare!! *happy dance*

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