Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Clampetts go to Maui...errr DC!

Jeff Foxworthy mentioned in one of his stand up acts that he took his family (from Georgia) to Hawaii and it was like the Clampetts go to Maui. Well Tom and Brittanie are now in DC and have checked into their hotel and Brittanie sounds like a Clampett. They said the hotel is beautiful but it was weird having someone else carry your luggage to your room. I was talking to Tom on the phone while Brittanie was inspecting the room. I heard "DUDE! The wash cloths are thicker than mine at home!" "DUDE! Look at that TV!" It is a 42" HD Plasma screen TV. I asked if there were robes in the room like in Home Alone....ok I admit it, I'm a Clampett too. Tom didn't know so Brittanie went to look and I heard "DUDE! They do have robes like in Home Alone!" It was pretty funny!

They hit lots of traffic and ended up parked for 30 minutes on the interstate near Darlington, SC, which was the worst, but also hit traffic in Virginia. But all in all, it was a good trip. They got a great view of the Pentagon and the Washington Monument as they were coming into the city.

They are going out exploring and grabbing a bite to eat tonight. They won't be out late because Tom wants to get an early start on their trolley tour around the city tomorrow morning.

I'll keep everyone updated as I get updates from them....hopefully with pictures too!

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