Monday, July 02, 2007

No more Sonic

Brittanie's store manager, Max, bought his own Sonic (on Platt Springs Road) and left the Sonic where Brittanie worked. A woman named, Jackie, became the manager and since then things went downhill. She says Jackie talked to her and others like they are dogs. So she put in her 2 week notice and then requested that her last 2 weeks be day shift. Well the owner found out and called her and tried to talk her out of quitting. She told him that Jackie talks down to her and that she has been trying to get her master's for the last 3 months and Jackie has yet to schedule her for the last two parts she needs to get it. So after the talk with the owner, Jackie (and the other managers who were mean but not as mean as Jackie) were much nicer and told her she would schedule her to do the master stuff. Well that was a week ago....still no scheduling of the master stuff. Yesterday one of the day shift workers named Amber (who was always mean and condescending to Brittanie) sent someone to Wal-Mart for something. Brittanie said he won't be able to buy that stuff because of the "stupid blue laws." Amber said "Honey when you get older and more educated you will realize that the government does stupid things all the time." She said it in a very demeaning tone. That is Brittanie's #1 hot spot....NEVER try to imply she is stupid. She told off Amber and then Heather (a day shift manager) threatened to dock Brittanie's pay because of her attitude. Brittanie is smarter than Heather and told her that she will call the Labor Department and get her money....just like she did with Subway! So she better not try! When Paul (another manager) came on duty, Brittanie asked to go on break, she clocked out and left and came home. She is done and won't be working out the last week of her 2 week notice.

I wish Sonic didn't have the rule that you have to wait six months after a manager goes to another store before you can transfer because she would have just followed Max to his Sonic. Max is a GREAT manager. Jim (the owner of the Augusta Highway Sonic) is a great leader as well. But like I always said, put women in charge and they become "female dogs."

Brittanie and I have always had a problem with women because most of them have attitudes. But I can handle it better than Brittanie can. I guess that is maturity. But Brittanie has Tom's attitude. Like she told Jim, she gives respect and she expects respect in return. Jim agreed with that and told her that all of his managers have told him that Brittanie was very respectful. There was no problem until Max left. All of Brittanie's friends that worked there have left. Courtney gave her notice as well and she has been there 3 years. Without Max there and with a woman in charge, it is a different atmosphere. Too bad Paul didn't take Max's place instead of Jackie!

For right now, Brittanie is going to stay at home and take care of Katie for her car insurance money and she will do the housework and laundry for spending money until school starts then she has to get another job. She is going on vacation with Tom either at the end of July or beginning of August so instead of starting a new job and having to ask for time off already, she will just wait to get a job after that.

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