Sunday, July 13, 2008

Makes you wonder about those Alaskans!

I keep forgetting that Jonathan has been out of the country for a few years and missed alot of what is going on here in the states. Well last weekend when he was here I showed him a clip of Senator Ted Stevens (from Alaska) making his moronic statement about the internet being a series of tubes as opposed to a dump truck. LOL Well he had never seen that. Last night he told us he talked to some other soldiers in his class about it and they looked it up and thought it was hilarious too. Tom asked if I showed him the clip that Jon Stewart did on The Daily Show about it. I hadn't seen that either. So today we looked it up and it was hilarious. In searching for it, I also found a clip of Jon talking to John McCain about it and it shows what a good personality John McCain has. But I couldn't help but think....what is wrong with those people in Alaska?? How could you elect such an old moron??? And what is wrong with Bush putting this moron in charge of the department that regulates the internet. If this guy can be in charge of regulating the internet, then I want to be the Surgeon General. At least I know some medical information. That's more than Ted Stevens knows about the internet!

In case you haven't seen these clips, I'm going to post them below so you can join me in wondering what is wrong with the voters in Alaska and our president for putting him in charge of something he is so ignorant about.

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