Monday, July 21, 2008

This morning

This morning Tom took Katie to the dentist to get a cavity in one of her molars filled. It is only fair that he do it since I had to be there for all of those horrible baby shots, right? Well she did great. She cried a little with the shot to numb her but after that she was a big girl. After that was over, they rode around for a bit and once the numbness had worn off, he took her to Krispy Kreme to get a donut.....I guess it was time to make another cavity right? lol She loves going to Krispy Kreme. The employees are very sweet to everyone, especially kids, and give them a paper hat like the employees wear. Well on the way home, she asked Tom if donut makers make alot of money because if they do, she would want to do that. Tom told her no. They don't make alot of money. She was disappointed at that. She asked Tom, "Daddy, what do you want to be when you grow up?" He laughed and said, "Baby, I'm already grown up." She said, "Oh. So what do you do?" He said, "I'm a network engineer." She said, "That sounds like the most boring job ever!" LOL

Well Tom got home and told me this story and when he was done, she came running in with the Krispy Kreme hat on. She said, "Mom, what do I look like?" I said, "Someone that makes minimum wage." She said, "Besides that!" LOL

Later she decided that she doesn't care how much it pays, she wants to fly jets for a living. That child has loved planes since her first ride at 2. On the way home from school sometimes, I will ride past the airport, and she doesn't really care about the little planes. She loves that BIG UPS plane that is usually in clear view from Highway 302. Brittanie is my Army girl but I think Katie is going to be my Air Force girl.

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