Monday, November 07, 2005

Brittanie and Justin at Carowinds

Brittanie and Justin went to Carowinds yesterday. Well everbody gets their picture taken when you walk into the park and Brittanie and Justin's picture came out so good they couldn't resist buying it. I have to agree, it came out really good. They are just too precious together!

Everything is going great with them. His mom really likes Brittanie, which is GREAT!!! I hope she never has to deal with one of those boy's mom who thinks she knows what is best for her son and it doesn't matter what he wants because he is supposed to do things HER way. Thank goodness, Justin's mom is not like that. She is raising a very well mannered, respectful, sweet, and goal-oriented young man without being overbearing or forcing her agenda on him. Brittanie doesn't realize how rare that is. His mom calls Brittanie "my daughter-in-law" and brags about her being beautiful and smart. I have to admit that I have been bragging about Justin myself. I can't call him "son-in-law" in front of Tom though. He hates change is struggling hard with the fact that Brittanie is dating. It isn't that he has some weirdo belief that dating is wrong. It is that he still sees Brittanie as his little girl who can't possibly be old enough to date....afterall it seems like just yesterday she was graduating from Kindergarten. His head knows that this is a normal thing and she has chosen a good boy to date. But his heart screams "Get away from my daughter." He's such a good daddy!

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