Saturday, November 26, 2005

It isn't fair....but life is not fair

Isn't he handsome??

I got a call from Jonathan (my handsome godson) the week before Thanksgiving and he told me that he was set to be deployed to Iraq AGAIN that Saturday. He tried talking to them but it did no good. His wife was going to go up there and let them know how crappy it was that they move the whole family to Germany and less than a month after they are there, they send Jonathan off to Iraq....AGAIN! He'd only been home from Iraq 8 months. Well I got an e-mail from him this morning and he is back there again. It isn't fair and it isn't right. But he went with honor and dignity to serve his country. I'm proud of him but I'm so scared. I was miserable for the year he was in Iraq before because I didn't know where he was and everytime I heard about soldiers dying, I was scared when the phone rang. God sent him home safely the first time and I'm praying He will do it again this time. That will be his second tour and hopefully his last.

So everybody reading this, please pray for him and all our other soldiers out there risking their lives for our country.

These pictures were taken in February of 2005, when he took Brittanie to her military ball. He had just been home a week from Iraq and still was happy to escort Brittanie to the ball. He's my sweetheart and always has been. I know he is all grown up now but to me, he will always be my little man! HOOAH my little man!

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