Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!!!

Katie came home from Grandma and Grandpa's with lots of stories to tell. She had a great week. They took her to the park, to McDonald's to play in the Playland, to Chuck E. Cheese's, and of course to Vacation Bible School. Grandma's friend's granddaughter and Katie are now good friends....they are the same age and were in the same VBS class together. Katie was quite upset that she didn't get to tell her friend goodbye. Well at that point, they didn't realize who Katie's friend was. They made plans with Grandma's friend to go eat out at Cracker Barrel after VBS commencement Friday night and when they got there, Katie saw her friend getting out of the car and was so excited. She yelled "THAT'S MY FRIEND!!!" So now Katie has a friend she can play with when she goes to Grandma and Grandpa's.
Today Katie couldn't wait to give Tom his Father's Day gift....the PC version of Roller Coaster Tycoon Platinum Edition. Brittanie had it stashed upstairs so Katie tried waking Brittanie up to make her bring it downstairs but was unsuccessful. Katie's disappointed little face was heartbreaking. But Brittanie eventually came down and we had a good Father's Day. Our girls are lucky to have Tom as a father. He is THE BEST daddy on the planet!

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