Friday, June 01, 2007

I almost forgot!!

On the way from the hospital in New Orleans (by LaPlace) on the way to my mom's house, we hit a water cooler in the road. We were in the right lane, there were cars in the left lane, so Tom steered to the right to go around it. Unfortunately, the cooler blew to the right and ended up going under the van and getting jammed between the tire and the wheel well. Tom pulled over and had to use force to get it out but he got it. Unfortunately, it damaged our front bumper on the driver's side. That was our first day down there.

On the last night down there, Katie was taking a bath and decided to play with my mom's razor that she had on the bathtub. She cut two of her fingers. She got out of the tub and was dripping blood but didn't cry. She said "Mom, I need a Band-Aid." That's when I turned and gasped at all that blood....that's when she started crying. It took awhile to get the bleeding to stop but it wasn't bad enough to need stitches. I took the Band-Aid off of one of them this morning and the minute she bent it, it started bleeding again so we replaced the Band-Aid on that finger. Brittanie shaved her legs with my razor when she was 3 and had knicks all over her legs.

ADDENDUM: I forgot one other thing! On the way home from Louisiana, we were driving through Atlanta during rush hour and Tom was driving like a true Atlanta maniac. The poor lady in the gold Honda Accord nearly got plowed over by Tom twice. I bet you shouldn't have passed a hair between us and her bumper both times. The second time, I literally screamed because I just knew he was going to hit her because he accelerated fast when he was a micro-inch from her. It scared me to death!!! The moral of this story....don't EVER ride with Tom in big city traffic!

1 comment:

earlcapps said...

I avoid Atlanta rush-hours, which means between 6 and 9am and 4 and 7pm. Best way to get through that city is to hit it at night, after 9pm, and plow right through the darn place, not stopping until you're about 15-20 miles outside of the I-285 loop.