Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The presents again

Last night, I wrapped all the presents and Tom was supposed to put them nice and organized (because he is anal retentive like that) under the tree. Well we were laughing about Katie's obsessive need to categorize and stack the presents so he decided instead of putting them under the tree all organized so it looks nice, he would throw them in a pile under the tree to see what her reaction would be. This morning she got up and saw the presents all willy nilly and said "Look at that!" I told her daddy did that. Well when Tom got up she told him "These presents are a complete disaster!" (Does she listen to Tom or what?) She said she is going to fix them pretty when she gets home from school today. Wonder how many times she is going to rearrange them before she decides it is perfect? The presents in the Hallmark bag are for the dirty Santa game we play with gifts and then another dirty Santa game with ornaments. But I know it will drive her nuts to leave those in the bag.

But here is the picture of Tom's mess that Katie declared was a "complete disaster!"

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