Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Welcome to 2008!!

We welcomed 2008 just the way we like it....quietly. It was great. Mom and Katie went to bed early. Brittanie went to Sumter to be with her boyfriend, Cameron. Cameron's church had a lock-in where they played games and ate among other things. So that's how Brittanie spent her New Year's Eve. She got to know Cameron's family and they got to know her. They told Cameron they really like her. I was scared to death for her to drive home but she made it home safe and sound. I was doing alot of praying after she called me and told me she was on her way home.

Today we were supposed to take down the Christmas tree but we don't have any bubble wrap for the ornaments. So Brittanie is going to pick some up tonight and she will take the ornaments off the tree tomorrow and Tom will pack up the tree tomorrow night when he gets home from work. Cameron came over tonight and picked Brittanie up to take her to see a movie. Mom cooked smothered pork chops. (None of us care for cabbage and I especially hate black eyed peas. So no traditional New Year's meal for us.)

So all in all, it was a very nice day. We are all healthy. Brittanie was only sick that one day and so far none of the rest of us have come down with it. But I am looking forward to Thursday. That's when the kids go back to school and we can get back into our normal routine again.

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