Friday, July 11, 2008

Autistic or OCD?

I always knew Brittanie has inherited a bit of OCD or mild autism or whatever from Tom. Both of them have these weird little quirks. Well one of the quirks that she and Tom share is that they never mix their food. When Tom eats M&M's or Skittles, he eats them by does Brittanie. Well Brittanie loves Chex mix. Check out what she did to her Chex mix before eating it!
And yes that's Country Goose plates. I got them when we got married and I still like them so I still use them. And what lunch would be complete without a camouflaged fleece blanket and an IPhone, right? LOL

1 comment:

Aimee said...

I do that too. But i do it with all my foods i don't like them to touch and i eat one thing at a time clockwise. I know its weird mom was always amused watching me organize my plate when i was little. Too funny.