Thursday, April 23, 2009


Our vent hood and stove backsplash came in yesterday. Brittanie picked it up for us at Lowe's after she got out of class. As soon as Tom got home, he started installing it. He wouldn't eat dinner first or anything. I didn't realize at the time he needed to turn off the electricity to do it. That man was in there trying to hold a Maglite flashlight and the hood in the dark! He didn't ask us for help. Why do men do that? Women would have waited till it was daylight outside so we weren't doing it in the pitch dark kitchen and we would have asked for help. When I realized he was in there in the dark, I asked why he didn't have the light on. That's when he told me he turned off the electricity so he wouldn't shock himself when he wires the hood. I went in there and saw him with the flashlight in his mouth and amazingly enough, he was making progress!!! But I went in there and held the flashlight and then helped hold up the hood while he screwed it in place. Men just amaze me sometimes at the way they do things. Tom is one of those people that no matter how he does something, it comes out perfectly. But to hear him tell it, nothing he does looks quite right. He is too much of a perfectionist.

I mentioned in a previous post that we were talking about moving into an apartment. Well I took Brittanie by that same complex that Jessica and I drove through and was telling her the idea we had of moving into an apartment and selling the house. She asked me when we are going to do this. Obviously we don't know when we will do this but wanting to see her reaction, I told her a year but we aren't going to move until our dog, Belle, dies. She is old and we don't want to freak her out and shorten her life by moving her to a strange place where she can't have freedom. Suddenly, to Brittanie, apartments were the most awful places on earth. She discussed it with Randy, her boyfriend that lives just a 1/2 mile from us, and Randy said they need to start giving Belle life supplements and buy her an oxygen tank and life support machines. I thought that was hilarious.

1 comment:

Samstar said...

I agree with Brittanie.Tell her if she needs help getting Belle an oxygen tank,I will see what I can do to help her.
I am not in favor of this moving thing either.