Monday, April 27, 2009

Very productive weekend!

We had a very productive weekend! Tom got the walls in the utility room prepped and painted. He touched up the cabinet doors that had damage to the paint because they were stacked. He replaced all the beige and even a couple of dark brown plugs, light switches, and face plates around the plugs and switches....and only shocked himself once. He learned the hard way that just because every other plug you checked was dead doesn't mean that last one will be. Fortunately it was just a little zap.

While he was doing all of that, I cleaned out the fridge and used Clorox, soap, and water and got it ready to be picked up by its new owner after we get our new one on Thursday. I soaped down all the countertops, stove, old table, and microwave. My kitchen was sparkling....except for the ugly floor.

This morning Tom was going to move the fridge into the dining room until the guys were done installing the floor. Well it won't fit through the dining room door. So he had to do what I suggested in the first place, which is put it in the garage. Well in moving the fridge across the kitchen twice, everything in the fridge got tossed all around and we had a spill. So I get to reclean my sparkling clean fridge.

Ok so now we have the fridge in the garage. The table and chairs have been hauled to the dump. We are ready for the floor! The guys show up at 10:15 and look at the floor and tell Tom that there is too much damage to the floor to just put the new floor on top. So they need luan. Ok so Tom calls Cogdill and gets the price for luan. *sigh* He writes the check and then the guys get to measuring the kitchen and decide that is not enough flooring to cover everything. Well DUH! Tom told the guy that when he bought it. He brought in a diagram with the measurements and the installers had the diagram Tom gave him with the dimensions and he said Tom's measurements were correct. The salesman just under calculated it by 40ft! They are still on the phone right now as I'm blogging this. I'm worried that because this floor was ordered that they won't have enough to cover and have to put things off another week. I will NOT be a happy camper if that happens. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO ready to get this ugly floor OUT! I'll update when things are settled.

By the way, today is Tom's birthday! He is 39 today! And just like he does every year, he is groaning about being old because for the next month he is my age. He just think he is so funny! haha

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