This has been a rough week. Monday Katie started preschool and loved it and Brittanie had rifle team and I was trying to type as I am sooooooooooo far behind still. Tuesday, Katie went back to preschool and it didn’t go as smoothly as the first day but they are so wonderful there that I’m sure she will make the transition just fine. But Brittanie had rifle team that afternoon as well as an orthodontist appointment where they significantly tightened her braces, giving her an instant headache that progressed into a migraine that night and continued into Wednesday. She missed school on Wednesday and stayed home while Joanie came to watch Katie because I had an appointment with my sleep doctor and knew I wouldn’t make it back in time to get her from preschool so I let her stay home with Joanie. Well I didn’t realize that I would be gone so long. My appointment was at 9:15 and they want me to take part in a research study to test a new form of Provigil that may help with my daytime sleepiness. Plus she is trying to help me get off Afrin because I have been on it for 3 weeks now since I got sick and when I stop using it, my nose stops up tight. Well she also increased my CPAP pressure and added a heated humidifier to it. To do this, I had to go by the place I got my CPAP from and have them do it. Then I had to pay a bill, go to the bank, pick up something for lunch and then go home. I didn’t get home until 1pm. By then, I was too tired to type. Thursday, I took Katie to get her allergy testing done. She has repeat testing in a couple of weeks. Friday morning, I got up early to type and my computer had no sound. When Tom got up he looked at the wire and said that it had been cut. He thought since the wire ran behind the drawer of the bookcase, Katie must have slammed the drawer (as she is famous for doing) and cut the wire. Brittanie had a football game to go to last night and then went to an after party at First Baptist Church of Swansea, which is where Katie goes to preschool. It was so cute that she recognized it and asked “Why is Sissy going to a party at my school? I want to go!” Well I went home after dropping Brittanie off at the church. I put Katie to bed and was hoping Tom would be home (as he was working late) by the time I had to pick Brittanie up from the party. Well I was on the phone with Tom around 10:45 and he was telling me he was on his way home and that’s when I heard scratching coming from the bookcase. Tom and I had been hearing it for about a week on and off. Well while I was on the phone with Tom, a RAT…NOT a mouse….a RAT….came out on the bookcase, right next to my computer. I screamed like I was on fire, ran in Katie’s bedroom, grabbed her up and ran out of the house. I had no shoes on even and Katie was in her PJ’s. I left the house. No way in the world was I staying in the house with a rat. I called Tom on my cell phone and headed to the church to sit and wait for Brittanie. Well she was coming outside to call me as I pulled up….good timing. I went by the gas station and filled up my car, went to Wendy’s and got Brittanie something to eat since she hadn’t eaten all day. Then drove home and sat in the garage in the van. I was NOT going back in that house until that rat was gone. Tom hunted the house over and couldn’t find it. So now every noise we hear makes us jump. He convinced me to come inside and stay the night with him because I was going to a hotel with the girls….he refused to leave. Needless to say, it was a restless night. By the time we got into the house, it was after 1am. Brittanie had to be at school for rifle team competition at 6:45 because they were pulling out at 7am. Well she overslept and we didn’t get there until 7am. We didn’t think to go to the old gym where they shoot. We assumed since the bus wasn’t at the school that they must be on their way to the competition. So we headed to the competition. Well we got there and didn’t see any buses. After riding around for ten minutes, we saw her school’s bus. I talked to First Sgt. and explained the situation. He told her that she wouldn’t shoot because she missed the bus but she could stay and support her team. After he walked away, she told me she didn’t want to do that but I told her she better do it to show him she supports her team and try to make it up to him. Well they took 3rd place and after the competition was over, they let the alternates shoot even though it wouldn’t count…..that was Brittanie. Well I think that made it worse because she hit 6 bull’s eyes in a row. First Sgt. was not happy because he told her that if she had just showed up on time we could have gotten 2nd or even 1st place and she let the team down. He told her she is on his hit list and that is strike 1. 2 more and she is off the rifle team. I thought she was going to cry. She came home and went to bed. I was supposed to take her and a special friend to O’Charley’s and a movie tonight and that got cancelled. Tomorrow is her birthday and it is turning out to be a horrible weekend. Hopefully tomorrow will be MUCH better. She met the youth pastor from Faith Baptist Church in Swansea at the party last night and liked him and wants to visit there in the morning. So that is what we are going to do. Tom is going to study her driving book with her tomorrow afternoon because Monday I’m taking her to get her driver’s permit because she is going to be 15 tomorrow!!!
On the hurricane front, my mom got no damage and didn’t lose power. She said the wind made a mess in her yard and she was out there cleaning it up and hosing the porch and car port this afternoon. Today is my niece’s birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TAMMIE) and she has no power but no damage either so that is good. But we haven’t heard from my brother or sisters. I will update when I hear something.