Saturday, September 10, 2005

Busy, busy, busy

Tom got sick the Friday before Labor Day. He stayed sick through the weekend but still went to work on Labor Day to do the upgrade he had scheduled. By Wednesday he was better and I was sick. Fortunately, Katie has been with her grandparents so I didn't have to worry about her because I just don't think I could have handled it. I spent much of the day in bed Wednesday and Thursday. I went to the doctor on Friday and he did a nasal swab and told me I have the September???? Leave it to me to be get an off season flu. But I was most disappointed that I can't go to Brittanie's rifle team competition today and the Collard Festival last night and today. I look forward to this festival all year and am so bummed that I can't be there. I do think the Tamiflu he started me on is helping because I was able to get out of bed this morning and take Brittanie to school early so Tom could sleep in a little later. But now that I'm back home, I am going to have to get back in bed for awhile. That wore me out.

I can't wait to hear how Brittanie did today. I'll update when I find out. Tom took the camcorder to record her shooting and hopefully I can talk him into transferring it to his laptop and uploading it so I can put the link on my blog so that everyone who wants to see it will be able to. I'm so proud of her. Here is the picture I took of her this morning before we left. She looks half asleep and that's because she is half asleep. We are definitely not morning people.

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