Friday, September 02, 2005

Katie update

Katie has been sick since June and it has gotten progressively worse until now she has a chest and head full of mucus and she is coughing and sneezing constantly. Well I think we may have figured out what the problem is. When Tom and I were first married we got sick like this and after a couple of months we figured out it was a down pillow we were sleeping with. Since then, we haven't touched anything down. Well that was almost 17 years ago. I forgot about that and I bought Katie a down comforter in May. My mom and I were talking about Katie being sick and she brought up the down pillow and that's when it hit me about her comforter. I took it out last night and she was a different kid this morning. Now I feel REALLY guilty. She still is coughing and sneezing but not nearly as bad as she had been and she woke up this morning happy, smiling, and ready to play. That's a huge change because she has been getting up hung over and clingy. I'm hoping getting rid of the comforter will fix everything. Wednesday I took her to the ER in Swansea for a chest x-ray and they said she didn't have pneumonia. But there was a hyper brat in the Emergency Room who wouldn't leave Katie alone. I tried not to make eye contact with that kid or his mom because I didn't want them to start talking to us because the kid was getting on my nerves so bad. Finally Brittanie said "mom that kid has pink eye." I looked at him and sure enough, he had pink eye in both eyes. Now Katie is crusty stuff around her eyes. I don't see redness yet so I'm hoping this is still part of allergies.

We have decided to take her out of daycare. With gas prices right now at $3.41, driving 48 miles a day just for daycare is costing me over $40 a week in addition to the $120 I pay in daycare tuition. We just can't go that anymore. So Joanie is going to be coming over Tuesday through Thursday to take care of her for me so I can type. That will cut my daycare fees in half and no gas. I hated to take her out because she loved it but you do what you have to do. I will put her in the K3 program in the fall of 2006 at Grace and then move her to Ben Lippen for K4. That's the plan.

Katie says the funniest things for someone not even 3 years old. Right now she is pretending her teddy bear is being bad. She put the bear to bed and came in here and told me "Oh that teddy bear makes me so nervous!" She went back in the room and told the teddy bear to be quiet and go to sleep. She told me again that her teddy bear was making her nervous and asked me where the paddle was. hahaha Day before yesterday, I painted her nails with that bitter polish that stops nail biting to keep her from putting her hands in her mouth. She kept telling us that her mouth had bubbles. Well Joanie had just taken her outside to do bubbles so we thought maybe when she was doing the bubble pipe she swallowed some. Later on we were watching her when she put her hand in her mouth and said "EWWWWW Bubbles in my mouth." I bought that stuff from and it seems to be better than the stuff you can get at Wal-Mart. Joanie decided to taste it to see if it really was as bad as Katie was making it seem. She ran to the bathroom to rinse her mouth out. She said that she would drink a gallon of bubble water before she would taste another drop of that stuff. Finally we may be able to break her of putting her fingers in her mouth!

By the way, please pray for Tom. He came home from work last night with high fever, body aches, and a headache. I think he has the flu. I gave him Ibuprofen and Tamiflu and he felt better this morning but he just e-mailed me that he is deteriorating fast. He is such a work-a-holic that he will try to work through the flu. I demanded he come home early. But you know how men are. If it is truly the flu, he will come home soon. I've had it before and it isn't fun.

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