Monday, September 19, 2005

GREAT day!

Brittanie got her first report card as a high school sophomore. She has really turned the heat up on her school work this year. She has all A's.....two 97's, a 98, and 100. She REALLY wants to get into West Point. Just click on the picture of her report card and it will enlarge so you can see it, as it is kinda hard to see as is.

She has also lost a total of 30 pounds so far. I'm so proud of her! She is improving herself in mind and body. She has always been beautiful inside and out but now she feels better about herself and she is just glowing. She found out today that she will be shooting at this weekend's rifle team competition. She is still considered one of the top 5 shooters on her team. She had her report card in her back pocket during rifle team competition and they practice in an extremely hot gym and it was 94 degrees here today. So her report card got wet and folded so that's why it looks like this. Sorry about that. But I was so proud of it that I wanted to show it off.

Katie started preschool at Swansea First Baptist Preschool today and had a great day. They were impressed at how quickly she adjusted and had no first day jitters. Katie has always been a social butterfly. She had a great day and is looking forward to going back tomorrow. They have very clean and updated facilities and the staff is so nice. I'm so glad we found out about it.

Well I'm going to bed early tonight so I can get up early and type. I want to get my typing under control. G'night yall!

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