Tuesday, September 06, 2005

One step forward and two steps back

Katie is now down to 4 medications. She finished her antibiotics and her liquid Prednisone. Now she takes Albuterol, Zyrtec, and Singulair, as well as cough syrup when she goes down for her nap or to bed at night. She made me laugh this morning when I was giving her the meds. She pointed to the cough syrup and said "This one makes me grouchy?" It definitely does that. She really only coughs when she lays down so there is no need to give her cough syrup when she isn't coughing. She was so sweet Friday. I called my mom (since she can't call me due to the phone situation in Louisiana) to give her an update on how Katie is. Well mom HAS to talk to Katie everytime I call her. So I gave Katie the phone and had the speakerphone on. Katie took the phone and said "Maw-Maw, I'm sick. You need to pray for me." So my mom started praying for Katie and the whole time my mom was praying, Katie had her little head bowed and eyes closed. When mom said "Amen," Katie said "Amen. I feel better already." It was soooooooooo cute!!! That is the biggest regret I have in taking Katie out of Grace. She has learned so much. When they put her in time out (which they had to do often), they would pray with her and ask God to help her stop doing whatever it was she was in trouble for. She is much better behaved than she was when I put her there. Mrs. Julie is wonderful. Brittanie loved her when she had her for after school care in elementary school. But we will be putting her back there next year for K3.

Now we are back to having child care problems. I'm having to type today without a sitter because my sitter wanted her to go to her house so she could clean her house. Nope. She smokes and has a cat and Katie has enough allergy problems. Tomorrow she has a funeral to go to. Thursday, her husband has a colonoscopy so she has to drive him home. Friday she is cleaning a house. So basically I have no sitter all week. This is sooooooooo frustrating.

Anyway, today is Brittanie's promotion board. It was supposed to be last week but it was rescheduled to today. I'm sure she will do fine. She studied her hiney off. I'll update when I find out.

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