Friday, September 16, 2005

Only my family!

My dad's older brother is a convicted child molester. He served jail time (not nearly enough) for molesting his sister's grandchildren, who also happens to be his step grandchildren. This happened in 1988. "Allegedly"it wasn't the first time he did such a thing but it was the first time someone in our family stood up for the children and prosecuted. Well he has always nauseated me but after this, I have despised him and wouldn't let him near Brittanie, not even a handshake at my dad's funeral. He's never seen Katie and probably doesn't even know I had another baby, which is fine with me. Anyway, he died this week. This is going to sound harsh but I was relieved because now I KNOW he can never molest another child ever ever again. Well the funeral home allows you to do video tributes to the person who died and my family, who doesn't take child molestation as seriously as I do, actually made a video tribute to him. Only in my family would someone who molested children be given a tribute. Anyway, I watched it just to see what it contained (hoping to see him in that orange jail jumpsuit) but I was treated to a picture of my parents leaning against a car and pictures of my dad's youngest brother, Uncle Elmer, who is my favorite, as well as other family members. In case anyone is interested, here is the link to the video: Click here

The picture of the man leaning against the car with his arm around the brunette with the knockout figure is my mom and dad. I miss my dad so much. He was so handsome as a young man. I was amazed at the way my mom looked in this picture. She looked so tall with those pretty legs and that tiny waist. I love this picture and will definitely have an enlargement made of it.

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