Sunday, December 04, 2005

Did we clone this child?

I e-mailed Tom's boss about a potential gift for Tom that would go on his office wall and I wanted to make sure he would be allowed to put it on the wall of his office because his company has strict rules out what can be put on the walls. Well in talking he mentioned Tom's patented "Tom Sightler stare that makes you feel stupid when he does it to you." So I sent him the picture of Katie taken for her 3rd birthday with the mean face. I had already sent this picture to my father-in-law and he said "We like the Tom look too. That is Tom deciding if he is going to put up with this or not and wanting to say not going to do it. Or maybe she is saying "This is really stupid or what are you talking about?" Well after I sent it to Tom's boss, he said "I am laughing right now because you are so right. That is a genetically cloned double of the look." So we definitely know she got that from her daddy.

Well now she got another bad trait from me. This morning she went on a "digging expedition" before we woke up. She went in the refrigerator and got the container of left over cube steak and gravy that I cooked yesterday, along with the big tray of brownie I took out of the freezer last night to defrost on the counter. She had them both in her room and was tearing up that brownie. Thank goodness Brittanie got up before we did and caught her. Tom fussed at her and she told Tom "I dig if I want to. I like spankings." Flash back to when I was 16 and in the middle of a spanking from my dad, he stopped and I said "Don't stop now if you're having fun." So he started hitting me with the belt again. When he stopped, I looked him straight in the eye and said in a real nasty tone "Didn't hurt." He was REAL mad by then and really started beating but my mom pulled him off. I had marks for a week on my legs from that one but I was mean and defiant with a fresh mouth that he should have slapped. Well now Katie has this nastiness from me. I hate that! But after Tom got done spanking her, she didn't like spankings anymore. I'm praying already for her teen years. I was never rebellious in that I didn't drink, smoke, do drugs, have sex, etc. My mouth was and always has been my biggest problem. But that was a different time. Katie will have much more to deal with than I did. All we can do is pray that she gets saved early. I got saved at 18. I didn't do the bad things because I thought that would make me trashy. But the world embraces trashy now. So everyone pray for Katie and pray for us too.