Sunday, December 18, 2005


The rule in our house has always been if you don't eat, you don't get anything else to eat until the next meal time. In the case of fast food meals, you don't get the toy or the dessert until you eat. Well we got Subway after church today and Katie was dying for her Fruit Roll Up that comes with the meal. Knowing the rule, she ate her sandwich and we got involved in watching the Carolina game and didn't realize she didn't eat ALL of her sandwich. Upon further investigation, we found that when she doesn't want to eat but still wants her toy or dessert, she makes the food disappear. This is what we found!
There is food from earlier in the week in there! This is her Spongebob desk that she eats at. She drives us nuts opening it and slamming it shut. There is the best reason so far to nail that seat shut!

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