Sunday, May 28, 2006

Slave labor?

This morning, Katie spilled her cereal all over the floor and then decided to kick like a horse to try to grind it into the carpet. Well she got sent to her room and when she got out, we made her vacuum it up. Tom decided her using the hose was too slow so he taught her how to use the vacuum cleaner like grown ups do it. She is a strong little thing but she still struggled a bit but she got it done. It wore her out pushing that heavy thing. It was so cute that I had to take pictures. By the way, in case you are wondering what's playing on TV...that's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Katie LOVES that movie. The old one came on TV the other day and she said "Oh man this stinks. I want to turn the channel." She does have good taste because the old one does stink. hehehe She made us laugh this morning when Verucca Salt got thrown down the shute by the squirrels, Katie said "oh she's dead meat!" She's too funny. She's 3 going on 30.
By the way, the newest show Katie has become interested in is Star Trek. She loves it when Tom watches it and has even begun asking us to turn Star Trek on. Good thing Tom has a season pass set up on the TiVo to record all of the episodes. She can watch them whenever she wants now. So we have a new Trekkie in the family!

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