Monday, May 08, 2006

Today's update

This morning, Brittanie came downstairs to get her clothes (we still haven't finished her closet upstairs) and found Katie laying in the hall and just had to take a picture. I asked Katie later why she was laying in the hall and she told me it was because her pull up was wet. As you can probably tell in this picture, she is still wearing the wet pull-up. Her bed wasn't wet. The pull up didn't leak. We still can't figure out why she found it necessary to get out of bed and lay down in the hall. But it did make for a cute picture. (By the way, we have a picture like this taken of Brittanie at 4 years old only she fell asleep in front of the toilet in the middle of the night. It was so funny! We are a sleepy family!)

Tonight was Swansea High School's honors and awards banquet. Brittanie got an invitation and 3 tickets to go, which meant that she had won an award. She received the award for Superior Noncommissioned Officer. It comes with an official Army certificate and medal but unfortunately they weren't in yet so tonight she got a couple of regular certificates and an Army bag. Brittanie and I are both bag freaks so we were thrilled to get the Army bag!! But we can't wait to see the medal when it comes in. Here are some pictures we took tonight. Unfortunately all Tom was able to get was pictures from behind but it's better than no picture at all.

Here is 1st Sgt. Cannon (left) and Major Norton (right) before the ceremony started. 1st Sgt. was looking around and when he made eye contact with me, I hit the button and took his picture. He laughed at me afterwards. He's such a nice guy! He's Brittanie's second daddy.

Above is Brittanie receiving a certificate from Major Norton

Here is Brittanie receiving her Army bag and another certificate from Major Norton and Sgt. Bogan.

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