Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Brittanie's ring ceremony

Brittanie got her class ring tonight! It is very pretty but she decided the purple stone is too dark and almost looks black. So she is going to send it back and get her birthstone. But she can't do that till December 1st. So until then, she gets everyone to turn it and hopefully will be done by the time she has to send it off again. My battery was going dead on my camera so the pictures of her on stage are dark and blurry. But the pictures of her with Randy and her friends came out fine. Anyway, here are the pictures.
Here is Brittanie walking up to accept her ring from her principal, Dr. Maddox.
Here is Brittanie and Randy....check out the rings!
Here's the crew. DJ, Aaron, Randy, and Brittanie...Class of 2008!

Brittanie's ring is a traditional ring in 10kt white gold. It has her name on one side and 2008 on the other. Here are the emblems she has on the sides of her ring: (I got these from the Josten's website so obviously her ring doesn't have Susan or Steven on it but I wanted to show what she chose to put on the sides.)

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