Sunday, November 19, 2006

Off to see the Panthers!!

One of the guys at work gave Tom two tickets to see the Panthers play today. They were so excited because this is the first game they have been to this year. They usually make at least 4 games a season. I wish I could get them season passes but they are crazy expensive and as cheap as Tom is, he would have a duck if I bought them. But anyway, here is a picture of my Panthers fans right before they left for the game.
Tom cleaned out his office yesterday and we were shocked to discover we had hard wood floors in there! hahaha It looks so much better now. While cleaning out everything, he found a giraffe that Jonathan had given Katie a couple of years ago. I wondered where it went to. Well it was brand new to her and she has been holding it ever since and even slept with it last night. Here is a picture I took of her with it this morning after she got up.

Brittanie was scheduled to work from noon to five Saturday at Sonic. Friday night, Brittanie was at a movie with Randy and Sonic called and asked if she could come in at 8am instead of noon on Saturday. I told them she would be there at 8am. That was the first time she has ever worked that long...8 to 5. She was dead on her feet when she got home. We told her, "Welcome to the real world!" That is the best thing that could have happened to her! I am going to remind her of that when she goes to college. That should be an incentive to get her degree!

Yesterday, I judged a pageant in Lexington. I was there at 9am to judge photogenic and we didn't finish up until 6:00pm but I spent 20 minutes talking to a grandmother who wasn't happy with me for not scoring her child higher. Well after I got home, the pageant director called me crying. Someone stole her binder that had her money bag in it. So everything she took in that day was gone! It was on the corner of the judge's table in front of where the auditor was sitting. Obviously the auditor didn't take it because the auditor was her husband. I told her who I saw around there and the last time I saw it. But my heart is breaking for her. I had a child steal $150 from me a few years ago and that still makes me angry when I think about it. If I lost as much as she did, I would react the same way she is. I prayed last night before I went to bed that if it is just misplaced that she would find it and if it is stolen that it would be returned. If it is stolen and not returned, I pray they are miserable and their conscience eats them up. That's a horrible thing to do to someone!

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