Saturday, November 04, 2006

Good day!

Today, I worked the concession stand for Swansea High School's JROTC rifle, drill, and color guard competitions. I really enjoyed being around Brittanie's friends. Made me feel both young and old, if that is possible? lol Randy was leading the drill team that placed 2nd today. I am very proud of him and his cadets.

Tonight I got home and my Randy, my nephew in Louisiana, called me and asked me if I wanted company for Thanksgiving. Of course I was thrilled to hear that he and his wife and daughter and my mom are trying to work it out so they can come here for Thanksgiving. They will leave the day before Thanksgiving and go home the Saturay after Thanksgiving. It is only 2 days but I'll take it. I'm so excited!!! I sure hope everything works out.

Yall have a good weekend! It is 8:17pm and I'm pooped and going to bed. It is a good tired though!!

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