Thursday, November 09, 2006


Dr. Phil says that the biggest influence on a child is the same sex parent. Unfortunately for my girls, that's me. I have passed on my irrational phobias to Brittanie and, without realizing it, to Katie as well. I have been corresponding on myspace with a girl I went to elementary and high school with and I got my yearbook out to show Brittanie that the girl hasn't aged a bit since high school and is actually even prettier now. Well the yearbook I got down was from my Jr. year of high school and it has a big clown on the front cover. Don't ask me why. The whole book has a stupid clown theme. I have always been creeped out by clowns and so is Brittanie. Well I put the yearbook on the bookcase and didn't think anything of it. Later, Katie was going to do her normal routine and climb on the bookcase to get to her movies and spotted the clown yearbook. She jumped back like she had touched a hot stove or something. Tom asked her what was wrong and she pointed to the yearbook. She told Tom she was scared of clowns. So now Tom is the only one in the house who isn't creeped out by clowns. Tom isn't scared of anything though. It must be nice! Brittanie and I are both scared of birds. I'm MUCH worse with it than Brittanie is though. Brittanie has a fear of spiders. I hate all bugs, especially the ones with wings.

Hmmmm sounds like our family belongs on Dr. Phil. hahaha

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