Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Teens seem to get more stupid with every generation

In the last two weeks, Dutch Fork High School has lost three students in car accidents. The first was a senior who was drinking and driving and went around the train barrier and was hit by a train. The latest accident involved two boys, aged 16 and 17. We don't know if there was alcohol involved in this accident or not but it is the reaction of some of the students at Dutch Fork that concerns me. There are literally students talking about throwing a drinking party to celebrate the lives of these kids who were taken way too young. Is that the dumbest thing you have ever heard or what?????? This reaction to death concerns me.

In the four years I was in high school, I saw more death of teenagers than one should ever see.

1. Our pastor's son, 19, fell asleep at the wheel, hit a cement culvert and died instantly.
2. A freshman in my high school had a 3-wheeler accident in which it flipped onto his chest and he died in his brother's arms. His brother was a classmate of mine.
3. My best friend's brother was killed by a jerk driving a truck too fast that hit him (as a pedestrian) on April 1st at 14 years old.
4. The very next month, my best friend's only sister was killed on Mother's Day at 19 years old.
5. One of my friends from church died of leukemia on my 16th birthday. He was 14.
6. My boyfriend in high school, Tommy, lost his first cousin and his girlfriend....both 19, in a motorcycle accident.

That's 7 teenagers that I knew personally that died in my four years of high school. Through all of that, not once did anyone suggest throwing a drinking party in honor of our friends we lost. That's saying something because I was raised in Louisiana where we do believe in celebrating the life of the person we just lost. But the death of a teenager is so tragic that I can't imagine celebrating and I definitely wouldn't have compounded the insensitivity by drinking.....which is illegal as a teenager! It is an especially heinous thing to do in the case of the girl who lost her life while drinking and driving. They haven't learned a thing from her death. That makes them stupid beyond words.

I'm seriously concerned because it seems teens progress to new levels of stupidity with every passing generation. What will our world be like by the time Katie becomes a teenager??? It is a scary thought!

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