Friday, September 28, 2007

All thieves should be shot

Brittanie went to the homecoming football game tonight to oversee color guard. She hung her keys, which are like mine and have a velcro ID wallet on it, on the fence and had her back to them less than 5 minutes and they were stolen. The only thing that saved her car from being stolen was that she wasn't parked at the football field. She had actually parked in the JROTC parking lot and walked to the football field. Brittanie was crying but I was mad. I hate being robbed. This is going to cost us a bundle. We are going to have to rekey her car and our house. We also had to cancel her debit card, because it was in the ID wallet, and get her a new driver's license Monday morning. In the meantime, I am going to have to drive her everywhere or she will have to take my van because her car is VERY well known. If she parks it where the thieves can see it, the car will be GONE.

It is too bad that the law doesn't allow us to shoot thieves in the head because I promise you if we ever find out who stole her keys, that will be what I want to do to them. Obviously I would not do that because no loser is worth going to jail over. But it is too bad we can't get revenge on these losers!


Jenn said...

I hope you guys made a police report!

Nette said...

We definitely did because without a license on her, she isn't legal to drive. With the police report, she can drive till Monday when she gets her new license.