Thursday, September 13, 2007

Underneath it all, she's still a girl

Katie and Tom love to wrestle and run through the house and just be rough and tumble. At night when Tom says "Ok Katie B, it's time to go to bed." She takes off running and hides somewhere and he has to find her. Once he does, they do their little nightly thing where Tom morphs into whatever she personal favorite is Lightning McQueen.....49 losers, only one winner! lol

Another thing they do is race each other to Tom's truck in the morning. Well yesterday morning, for the first time ever, she fell and skinned her knee pretty bad. She just got up, brushed herself off, and got in the truck without a tear. She loves to say "I'm tough!" Well they were going down 321 and she felt something on her leg and lifted up her dress and found blood. She freaked!! She started crying and acting like she was going to bleed to death. When Tom got to school, her teacher helped him clean her up and bandage it. Last night, Tom asked me what we were going to do about her knee. So I told him that we have to clean it with Peroxide and leave it open at night and covered during the day. That's what my boss/doctor tells his patients. Well she started freaking out that she didn't want him to take the bandage off. He finally convinced her to let him get it off. When he went to get the Peroxide, she was standing by him at the medicine cabinet crying that it was "gushing" down her legs. It wasn't bleeding at all. But she was convinced that it was. She sat on her little Lightning McQueen chair and started freaking out that he was not going to bandage it and how she wasn't going to be able to sleep with covers because it would hurt her knee. (Now earlier in the day she was alternating limping and plopping down from a standing position down onto her knees but covers were going to hurt her knees!) She wasted all of our big bandages a couple of weeks ago when she stole them out of the medicine cabinet and was playing with them in her room. So we had to put two small Band-Aids. This morning she has forgotten all about it.

It is amazing how one minute she is a rough and tumble tomboy and the next she is a girly girl crying over nothing. She is so much fun! She is definitely going to keep us on our toes through her childhood but I can already see she is going to be a blast!! Now I just have to steal her away from her daddy sometime! She loves me but she definitely loves him more.

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